The Psychology Of What Makes People Buy Your Products

It can be easier to run a business and sell your product and services when you understand more about what drives people to make decisions. While each market and audience are different, there are some common themes and factors which are often identified across many different areas. There are various selling tips that many companies …

Ukraine Relief Effort Receives A $15 Million Google Donation

During the crisis in Ukraine, Google has stepped up to gift $15 million in relief assistance. One-third of this donation has been provided from the Google Employee Matching Campaign, while another third was made possible from grants. The president of Google affairs, Kent Walker, stated they’ve put together an SOS signal on Search across Ukraine. …

What To Avoid With SEO

Google is continually changing its PageRank algorithm, and these changes result in the search engine optimization (SEO) industry constantly changing. The result is that today many of the traditional standard practices are now deadly sins, and you don’t dare commit them without being penalized by Google, who may even kill your ability to rank. Therefore …