If you want SEO implemented on your website, you need to know what it’s all about and how it works. What follows is a list of 10 things you must know before optimizing your website.
- Up to 90% of people find websites using a search engine like Google, Yahoo, or Bing.
- Of those who use search engines, between 70 and 80% only look at results on the first page. They don’t dig deeper into the search.
- SEO techniques make it possible to get a website listed on the first page of Google search results. This is your best shot at increasing the number of unique visitors.
- A search engine is used by 80% of people online according to a user survey conducted by the Forester Research and Georgia Tech’s GVU Center.
- The top 30 results, or the top three pages, are viewed by just 7% of people that use search engines.
- Search engine optimization or SEO is the most effective and most affordable way of increasing website visibility.
- A failure to use SEO is a failure to appeal to 85% of potential site visitors.
- Searching for something on the Internet is the second most popular online activity with 57% of web users engaging in it, according to Statistical Research, Inc.
- Without ranking on the top three pages of search results, it’s unlikely anyone will ever find your site using search.
- Search engines and web directories or how most people find what they’re looking for on the Internet on a daily basis.
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