In the vast digital landscape, standing out can be a challenge for websites looking to improve their visibility on search engines like Google; understanding the mechanics of search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. One of the fundamental components of SEO is backlinks. But what exactly are backlinks, and why are they so important for SEO? …
What To Avoid With SEO
Google is continually changing its PageRank algorithm, and these changes result in the search engine optimization (SEO) industry constantly changing. The result is that today many of the traditional standard practices are now deadly sins, and you don’t dare commit them without being penalized by Google, who may even kill your ability to rank. Therefore …
Get More High-Quality Backlinks In Just One Week
You have a website, but it’s not performing the way that you expected. While you’d thought that it’d bring in tons of new customers, you don’t see this happening. In fact, nobody has mentioned that they’ve seen your website. All of this leaves you feeling a bit confused. After all, you’ve heard that having a …
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Tips To Help You Get To The Top Of The SERPs
Although SEO has evolved in numerous ways the one thing that hasn’t changed is how important it is to be listed on the first page of Google’s SERPs. Studies show that even if you’re listed at the bottom of the first page you’ll still receive more traffic than a typical ad. While there’s a lot …
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Why Your Website Isn’t Getting Traffic
In the past SEO (search engine optimization) use to be somewhat magical: If you do this, then maybe you’ll get the results you want. Fortunately, Google has made it much clearer today. Now we have certain guidelines to follow to get the website traffic we want. For this Google wants to see your website’s expertise, …
Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Negative SEO
Negative SEO occurs when someone purposefully harms another website’s organic search traffic. Typically, this occurs when a spammy website (e.g. scraper site, porn, a site infected with malware) links to the negatively impacted website. Unfortunately, as a webmaster there isn’t anything you can do to stop this from happening. This is why so many ecommerce …
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SEO Best Practices For Header Tags
In the past header tags were a critical part of SEO but not anymore. This doesn’t mean they’re unimportant though. Indirectly they’re able to influence your rankings since they make it easier and more enjoyable for your readers. They also provide keyword-rich content for the search engines themselves. As such, you should still be maintaining …
Lengthy SEO Penalties Faced by Hacked Websites
When 1,605 WordPress users were surveyed, about 50% of them admitted they were flagged by Google when they were a hacked website because they contained “malicious content.” Unfortunately, this means that many people don’t realize when they were flagged since Google doesn’t alert you. However, if you move quickly once you’ve been hacked, you’ll probably …
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Making The Best Out Of A Bad Review
It happens to all business. Someone doesn’t like your products or services and they complain about it online. Unaddressed these complaints or bad reviews can catch the eye of the public and may be detrimental to your sales. In any case, it’s a good idea to address these reviews and make the best of them …
Brace Yourself For The Future Of SEO
Here we are, once again watching content marketers and webmasters panicking over what the future holds regarding SEO. The only reasons for this are the changing ethics imposed on the industries by Google. Google is the new sheriff in town regarding SEO and sorry to say, the old ways of doing things will get you …