You may want to consider spending some of your marketing budget to hire an SEO company. If this is the first time you’ll be using an SEO specialist, Google has some tips to help you hire the best one. This is something they shared in their YouTube series entitled “Search for Beginners.” In this series, …
Why Successful SEO Depends On Planning And Consistency
When different departments within a company don’t communicate, projects fall apart. This is also what happens when businesses don’t understand the important role SEO (search engine optimization) plays in marketing. Unfortunately, most professionals don’t understand SEO’s role in driving traffic or why they need to hire an SEO service. Nevertheless, if you want an effective …
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Why Keyword Density Is Still A Useful Metric
When people were just getting started with SEO they’d frequently increase their keyword density so that they could move up in ranking. This eventually led to people trying to find the “perfect” number of times to repeat a keyword so that they could convince the search engines of their page’s relevance. Unfortunately, this led to …
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