Once again Google has upended the apple cart by introducing a new free feature for market4ers to use to give their websites a boost. It’s called Google Posts and is a feature for the GMB aka Google My Business platform.
This new feature allows for people to post a 300 word update regarding their business issues and announcements that lasts about 7 days. It was introduced to a test group earlier this year and hopefully all the bugs are worked out and can now be used to the benefit of one and all.
How this will change the face of search engine results is unknown. It’s going to be a battlefield for sure as people try every way to make the best of this new feature. One thing to be concerned with is how the crafty marketers out there try to take advantage of this and ruin it for others.
It’s inevitable that any new feature or technique will be exploited by those who want to beat the system, so it will be about 6 months or so for Google to uncover these tactics and defend against them.
Another thing to look out for is the wild card. Often with new techniques the intended results can be different when others apply their ingenuity or sheer dumb luck. It’s quite possible that some business poster will do something with this feature that no one had expected and gain the high ground in the search engine results.
Since the posts will appear in various Google features then it’s going to take an eagle eye to keep tabs on the new developments and techniques that emerge. There are sure to be various groundswells when events like this occur and being able to adapt to them will call for an SEO team that is on their toes.
The biggest change in the game will be with local SEO. The posts will allow for companies to post their NAPs (Name Address Phone) so that all that see the posts will know where to go. This will add to your main sites overall local SEO and it is a good idea to hone your skills regarding local SEO now or hire an expert to do so.
Local SEO Tampa is a company that is on the ball regarding this new Google feature. They saw it coming from a country mile away and were on top of the game from the start. Their experts in all areas of SEO have been experimenting day and night to make the most of the new Google Posts feature.
As time goes on they will be equally on top of any new changes in the process and how best to use it to your advantage. There will be wild card innovations that they will be there for and might come up with some of their own. In that case, you definitely will want to have them on your SEO team.
This is all exciting news and another big feather in the cap for Google. They keep leveling the playing field of SEO so that the small guy can have a crack at the top spots for their niche and location. This will also allow for more employment opportunities as marketers are going to need people to write these posts professionally and regularly.
It is highly advised that even if you’re not ready to use the new Google posts option, that you at least study up on it and get a professional to educate you regarding areas you’re unfamiliar with. You don’t want to be on the losing end of this new feature. Being at the front of the pack is the only way to survive in today’s realm of web marketing.