The Importance of NAP and User Experience for Local SEO

Since 2015 not only have more people started depending on mobile devices, but they’ve also started using multiple ones to complete their purchase journey. As this happens a person’s Local Pack and algorithms will change, especially regarding their proximity to the business’ location. Having NAP consistency is important to both humans and Google here. Starting …

Lengthy SEO Penalties Faced by Hacked Websites

When 1,605 WordPress users were surveyed, about 50% of them admitted they were flagged by Google when they were a hacked website because they contained “malicious content.” Unfortunately, this means that many people don’t realize when they were flagged since Google doesn’t alert you. However, if you move quickly once you’ve been hacked, you’ll probably …

Why Accessibility is Important for SEO and Sales

Traditionally, accessibility hasn’t been given much thought in terms of SEO and web development. However, there are some reasons why its importance is something you shouldn’t overlook. How WordPress Addresses This Issue Unfortunately, WordPress addresses this issue as though it were an afterthought. This is because they’ve created a plugin to take care of things …

SEO Trends To Pay Attention To In 2019

One of the fastest changing areas online today is content marketing. Nevertheless, you must stay up-to-date with these trends so you remain competitive. With this in mind, here are some trends that experts are anticipating for 2019. Long-Form Content This content continues growing in SEO importance because search engines rank longer, more trustworthy posts higher …

Why it’s Worth Paying the Price of High-Quality SEO

There’s no question: SEO is expensive. Most agencies will charge you anywhere from $5,000 upwards for good SEO quality work. Of course, there are also fly by night companies that only charge a few hundred dollars. This huge discrepancy comes down to the quality and effectiveness of the services being rendered. When you stop to …