When people hear about SEO they typically think about search engines like Google. They also think about how this search engine has a broad appeal for global audiences. However, what most people overlook is what’s known as local SEO – what ensures that your website is found by people who live near your business. There are several ways in which this entire process works together for the good of your business.
Higher SERPs Rankings for Businesses in Your Area
Using local SEO you can rank higher in your area’s SERPs. You could also go for what’s known as the “Google 3 pack” in which only the area’s top three businesses are displayed. Unfortunately, Google doesn’t have a precise formula they use to determine what the most valuable website is. However, you can increase your likelihood of landing here by using keywords and having a consistent NAP (name, address, phone number).
Catering to Your Customers’ Needs
Your business’ ultimate desire is to keep your customers so happy they want to return to you for additional products or services. With brick and mortar stores, this typically starts when your customer first enters your door. Once inside your store you’ll want to make them feel as comfortable as possible. Online, this entire process starts with the first search and impression but typically people will already know what they want or need before engagin in this process. What they will want to know though is the company’s location before making sure they offer what they want or need. This is where local SEO plays an important role, encouraging people to form a good impression and feel excited about your business.
Enjoying Free Advertising
There’s probably never going to be a time when there isn’t someone who’s actively engaged in looking for the type of product or service you offer. The easiest way to reach these people is by ranking high in the SERPs. Of course, this isn’t easy since you must select the right keywords to get you this higher listing.
Although this sounds like a lot of work, think about all the free advertising you could be enjoying right now. Remember, you never pay anything when someone searches for you in Google. This is why you should try to think like a customer and determine what they search for as you work on your listing. While you probably won’t land in Google’s 3 pack, you can still do such a good job with your website’s local SEO that you end up in the top of the SERPs. Undoubtedly, this is going to require a lot of time, effort, and hard work on your behalf, but ultimately this is going to really pay off quite well for your business.
Making More Money for Your Business
Research shows that more than half of online searches about a specific product or service result in purchases and payments. Just think about how many sales you could make when you put local SEO to work on your behalf. These are sales that would otherwise go to the other competitors in your niche if you don’t know how to take advantage of these sales for yourself.
Understanding how all these things work together for the good of your business is important. Once you realize this you’ll also see why you should invest your time in these things. Unfortunately, your time is limited but there is a company who’s successfully helped many customers with this over the years: Local SEO Company is this company and when you look at their track record you’ll see why you should contact them today.