Mobile and Voice SEO are Driving Factors in 2018

 Driving Factors: Brenda-Mobile and Voice SEOYou can think of SEO as the offensive line of internet marketing today. This is especially true of mobile SEO and voice SEO. Nevertheless, it isn’t something you’d expect. In fact, oftentimes it gets overlooked and unrecognized. However, knowing exactly how to use it is an important part of your marketing success. There are actually 6 things you as a content marketer must remember about this as we enter into 2018.

Mobile SEO Must Come First

About 50% of searches now happen on mobile devices. This is why it’s so important for content marketers to structure their website in a way that’s mobile-friendly before worrying about desktop computers being able to view the content.

When you first look at your website’s page design make sure you do so on your phone. As you do so, there are a few things you’ll want to look for. These include:

  • Make sure you can easily read the font.
  • Make the zoom control buttons easily accessible.
  • Take time to create really good content that your visitors will want to share.
  • Make sure it’s easy to share your website from a mobile device. So, use social icons instead of text since they’ll capture your visitor’s eye better.

All of Your Content Must be Mobile Friendly

In 2018 Google will move to a mobile-first index. This will take into account how well your website works on mobile devices. Google will use this information when creating its SERPs. In order to maintain your website’s reach, you’ll want to make sure you have a good mobile version of your website available. Even if you have a separate mobile and desktop version all the desktop content maps still need to be one-to-one with your mobile URL.

Page Speed is More Important in 2018 Than Ever Before

Nobody wants to wait for your website to load on their phone. This is why page speed plays an important role in SEO today. For this reason, there are a few things you can do, including:

Reduce the size of your photos between 40 – 90%.
Use Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) – Google’s solution for loading pages almost instantly because it cuts out things like excessive JavaScript.

Prepare for Video Search to Dominate

In the past, Internet searches used keyword phrases. Today, voice searches dominate. These typically consist of a full sentence. As such, you must structure your content differently. To get used to how these queries’ structure and become better equipped to answer them, make sure that you use video search as much as possible yourself. Once you have a better understanding of this, you should include these questions in your website so that Google will pick it up in their SERPs.

Remember how Your Demo Talks

Think about the words used in your demo talk. Now optimize those words, their sound, and the language that they’re in so more people find your website. Make sure you take time to do this in a way that Google approves of to increase your inbound traffic even more.

Befriend Social Influencers

Google goes out of its way to make sure its users only receive relevant content. For this reason, they’re starting to look at how people discuss your website on social media sites. This is why you need to befriend social influencers who will share your content for you.

Putting it all Together

As you travel towards SEO dominance this year, make sure you keep these pointers in mind. Since this probably sounds overwhelming to you, especially when you stop to consider everything else you must do to run a successful business, you’ll want to reach out and contact your local Tampa SEO company. You can rest assured that we do these things already because we truly understand how important SEO dominance is today.