Websites play an essential part in our everyday lives. We interact with them in a variety of ways throughout each day. More often than not, this is something we’re doing on our phones. Today about 62% of all website traffic comes from these mobile devices. Therefore, it’s in the best interest of those who engage in digital marketing to ensure that their web design is mobile device friendly (a.k.a., responsive design).
Introducing Responsive Design
Responsive design is a set of web design practices that are centered around making a website adapt quickly and easily to any size or resolution of a screen. Digital marketing professionals use this design philosophy to create websites that work on both PC and mobile devices. It saves them the time and effort they’d otherwise need to put into creating two versions of the same website – one for PC and one for mobile. Of course, this is only one of the numerous advantages of using this web design; here are a few of the others.
It improves your search engine optimization (SEO).
It’s not only your users who hate slowpokes; Google does too. They’ll actively hunt down and flag any slow websites which prevent you from getting that coveted number-one position. Therefore you’ll want to do anything possible to increase the speed of your web design. Google does this as part of its digital marketing strategy because they care about the user experience on its browser since they don’t want to lose traffic.
It gives you a greater ROI for your social marketing.
To get the most out of your social media marketing, you’ll need to utilize responsive design for your website since most people use their phones to browse social media. Around 99% of some 4.5 million people who use social media do so on their phones. Therefore if your business has a social media presence, your website should have a responsive web design because many people will follow threads from their social media accounts to your website.
It offers better link-building opportunities.
Another important part of your digital marketing is link-building. This serves as the backbone of modern SEO. So you need to spend a lot of time and put a lot of resources towards securing authoritative backlinks for your website. You can make the entire link-building process much easier and a lot less strenuous and time-consuming by utilizing responsive design tactics. This is important because the more backlinks you have, the higher you’ll score on the SERPs. Of course, this takes some effort and great consistency.
It enhances your local search rankings.
One part of your digital marketing campaign that you probably don’t spend a lot of time thinking about is your local search rankings. Nevertheless, this is important to Google because when someone enters a query, they prioritize local results for that query. Google is able to do this because devices are geotagged, allowing Google to identify which part of the world people are located in and thus providing them with the best results for that region.
Local search rankings are great for local businesses. It lets them compete with international businesses that are in the same niche and thus get more business. This is another reason why responsive design is so important to them. Additionally, it provides them with a competitive edge in their business niche while also allowing them to cut costs and increase profits.
Although these are some of the most compelling reasons to use responsive website design, you may argue that you don’t have time to do this. That’s why Local SEO Tampa Company in Tampa, FL is here for this and all of your other digital marketing needs. Contact us today!