Why you Should Give a Duck About DuckDuckGo SEO

Many people are wondering how to optimize their websites for DuckDuckGo. This is because the search engine is quietly attracting new users and generating more traffic for websites. Unfortunately, there’s no “magic bullet” or easy answer when it comes to SEO for this site. There’s also nothing shocking, newsworthy, or tricky here. Why you Should …

Create Content to Support Local SEO so you can Rock the Rankings

Many changes are taking place in SEO today thanks to the rise of mobile search. The most dramatic change has occurred regarding local content. Most of us realize this is because of the 2014 Google Pigeon update which allowed for greater search visibility for local directories. It’s responsible for giving local content a foothold. Now …

Mobile and Voice SEO are Driving Factors in 2018

You can think of SEO as the offensive line of internet marketing today. This is especially true of mobile SEO and voice SEO. Nevertheless, it isn’t something you’d expect. In fact, oftentimes it gets overlooked and unrecognized. However, knowing exactly how to use it is an important part of your marketing success. There are actually …