Evergreen content can be simply defined as “content that never goes out of style.” It’s the opposite of news and other trending content. This content is high-impact, in-depth content that can be valid for people for up to two years (oftentimes longer). Benefits of Content That’s Evergreen An evergreen topic is one that people will …
How To Use Visual Content To Improve Your SEO Rankings
When the internet was just getting started people could get away with simply creating large, all-text articles. However, as the internet has grown older this no longer works if you want your site to make a good impression on visitors or the search engines. Now when people go online searching for information they expect to …
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Tips For Improving Your Website’s Design
There is more to creating a website than simply ensuring that your visitors can find what they’re looking for there. You also want to make sure that your website is optimized to convert. After all, you don’t want to take the time to redesign your website if it can’t win new business, retain customers, and …