When you own a business, whether it is a dentist’s office or a shoe store, it is imperative to have reviews. You may wonder why your business does not have very many business reviews when other locals have many. It is a matter of doing local SEO, as well as performing it correctly.
Reviews are important for any business because they allow people to see your label for what it is. They can also tell individuals if they should trust your site or business, as well as help in local SEO strategies.
Many understand that reviews assist in ranking a website online. This is just a part of the SEO method. A portion of this includes having a well-balanced profile. This includes having client assistance options, social profiles, customer engagement, and more.
While this may sound great, unless you fully understand why you need all of this, your local SEO efforts may suffer. This is needed because really great service, as well as awful service, travels through the grapevine rather fast.
This is where reviews come into play. These are essential for obtaining favorable exposure for your label while developing amazing client assistance, company recognition, SEO advantages, and prestige for being attentive. And best of all, they are free.
But what if someone leaves a negative review? While this generally makes everyone cringe, negative ratings are a great way for the company to not only learn from their mistakes, but they are the perfect opportunity for reaching out to those who left them by responding in a quick fashion. This, in turn, shows those searching for reviews that you care about your clients and that you want to make it right with them.
So now that you know a bit more about business reviews, you are probably wondering how you can obtain them. You can encourage your customers to leave feedback for you in various ways. You will want to make sure you do not come off as being pushy, as this may result in a negative rating. But there are many ways you can encourage your clients to leave these reviews for your local SEO efforts.
The easiest way is to ask your clients to leave business reviews. Google will not let clients who have not used your services leave reviews, but social media sites will let anyone leave reviews. You should consider asking your clients to post on your social media pages. You can also ask your business partners to do so. It may also make sense to have your personal contacts leave reviews.
Tell these people you would appreciate their honesty and you do not want them to lie. If they do not feel comfortable leaving reviews about your services or label, you can ask them to write a bit about how professional you are, or what your personality is like.
You can likewise call your clientele and see if they are willing to leave a business review for you. Refrain from asking them as soon as they pick up the telephone. Instead, tell them who you are, and how much you appreciate their business. This can lead to asking for a review as you are curious about what their total experience was like.
If you do not feel comfortable asking over the phone, you can use other technology to do so. Texting or email is a great way to ask clients to leave a review of what their last experience was like with your label.
The final way of requesting is to have flyers hanging up inviting feedback. You can also put a QR code to link to your reviews so it makes it easier for a consumer to leave one.
The following tips are also a helpful way to manage your ratings:
- Provide contact information for a real person so anyone that has issues with your services can contact them before leaving a negative review.
- When asking a person to leave a review, keep it short and sweet.
- Follow up with your clients after they have used your services
The bottom line is that whether you have favorable or adverse business reviews, they will spread like wildfires. Take the time to invest in having clients leave reviews, as they are an essential element of your corporation. If you are confident that you can take care of reviews yourself, consider using an SEO specialist, such as Local SEO Tampa Company in Tampa FL.