Choosing Your Price Point for SEO Content

People who provide content management to SEO agencies are constantly being asked what they charge. Regardless of how they answer this question, they’re often told that they’re charging either too much or too little. This makes one wonder if anyone knows the true value of good content today. The Importance of Finding Good Writers When …

How To Write Great Content

Every website needs writing so the search engines understand what it’s about. However, not just any writing will do. Your words must engage shoppers while also providing SEO content. While this may sound challenging, there are some tips that will help make things easier for you. Start with an Outline Remember how your high school …

The Importance of NAP and User Experience for Local SEO

Since 2015 not only have more people started depending on mobile devices, but they’ve also started using multiple ones to complete their purchase journey. As this happens a person’s Local Pack and algorithms will change, especially regarding their proximity to the business’ location. Having NAP consistency is important to both humans and Google here. Starting …

Reasons to Think About Content Marketing in Your SEO Strategy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a busy and dynamic market. Search engines regularly change their algorithms adding new factors you must account for. Gone are the days when you could simply create low-quality content spiked with keywords. Now it’s more about content marketing which not only requires a human touch, but also financial and creative …

Six Evaluation Standards to Reinforce Your SEO Promotions

Anything that is quantifiable can be improved and measured more effectively through standardized parameters if SEO specialists are to be believed. For a start, any search engine marketing or optimizing campaign that you launch takes anything from 8 weeks to six months to show the desired results. If your campaign failed to deliver the goods …