Who Should Do Your SEO?

You may wonder if you should head up your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. To determine the answer, you’ll want to take a few minutes to ask yourself some important questions. Are You Interested in It? If you want to learn the ins and outs of how search engines work, then the answer may …

How To Avoid Mistakes That Affect Google Ranking

To get more visitors to your website, you’ll need to get to the top of Google rankings (a.k.a., search engine results page, SERP). You can’t expect to get there without doing some search engine optimization (SEO). While doing this, there are some common mistakes you need to avoid. Keyword Stuffing Initially, search engine rankings were …

Understanding What Content You Need For SEO – Part 1

Regardless of what you’re looking for online, you’ll eventually turn to Google to find it. This is why it’s so important for local businesses to get listed there. In the past, accomplishing this was easy. However, as a local business, you’ve probably noticed that your local website is pushed down further and further in the …
